fall, winter, 2021


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Can you feel me
Can you hear me
Can you remember me
Can you see me
This is me
Here I am again
Ready to face the world
Ready for the future

A mixture of moods, a maybe even strangely balanced mixture of the desire to stay at home, to relax and to surround yourself with family and friends and at the same time the desire to go out again and explore the world, to get new input and impulses from outside … that expresses how most of us are feeling these days.

But the reality and the really connecting factor is that we are much more aware of what we are doing, how we feel and where we are in life, mainly because we have been forced to think about many things much more than ever in the recent past before!

The TRINITY haircare European Artistic Team has tried to capture these mixed emotions and feelings, or better: these two different states of mind, in our new trend collection: REBIRTH.

Warm, cozy and more wintery fashion and hairstyles for the cocooning staying-at-home vibe, but with a clear statement that says: I want to be seen, felt and heard again, even when you are closer to home and among friends and family !

And then the more relaxed, encouraging and modern tie dye fashion with slightly more expressive and open hairstyles for the butterfly feeling of going out into the big, wide and renewed world out there.